Thursday, July 4, 2013

Radical Activism and the Future of Animal Rights

Last week, thousands of animal rights activists converged on Arlington, Virginia, for the 33rd annual Animal Rights National Conference. Over 90 presenters from 60 organizations discussed strategies central to the goal of reducing animal exploitation. The event garnered scant coverage from the mainstream press—always does—but it nonetheless brimmed with a rare kind of selfless ambition coming from very decent people who want animals to be treated with a modicum of dignity.

While the media paid little attention, there’s no doubt that meat industry moles were trolling the halls of the Hilton with their ears pricked for the merest mention of an idea that might pierce the brainbox of a public so culinarily apathetic that, to date, it has voluntarily consumed seven billion cans of Spam. Mass consumption of a gelatinous rectangle of a ham-like product reflects a collective unthinking decision that the industry wants to protect with every cynically contrived resource at its disposal.

Interesting article about the future of animal rights advocacy. I invite you to take a read and tell me what you think the future holds.  What sort of activism do you consider legitimate and what line would you never cross no-matter what?

Please share your thoughts and any intriguing ideas you believe are worth testing to determine their efficiency and effectiveness!

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